Thursday, August 5, 2010

new website!

We've moved! The Walking Conch is the new home of the blog, my portfolio, and more. Please visit the website for more information. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i am a bad blogger

What with all the 1) moving preparations 2) full-time job 3) grad school panic 4) etc, I haven't really been taking many photos lately. I think the blog is probably going to make a slow transition over to operating on an as-needed basis -- no daily posts, but posts whenever I have worthwhile photos to show. It's also going to move over to eventually, but until I figure out how to properly upload photos (they come out all squooshed), that'll have to wait. In the meantime, the going-live of the website should be enough to satisfy regular blog readers for at least a week. :)